Mild Earthquake tremors felt in parts of Jammu
Magnitude: 3.5
Date & time: May 13, 2022, 7:46 a.m.
Depth: 5.0 km
Epicenter latitude / longitude: 32.71°N / 76.12°E (Chamba, Himachal Pradesh)
Antipode: 32.71°S / 103.88°W
Nearby towns and cities:
67 km NE of Kathua
117 km E of Jammu
183km ESE of Rajouri
Weather at epicenter at time of quake:
Clear Sky, 21.9°C, humidity: 36%, wind: 4 kts from NE
Primary data source: NCS (National Center for Seismology)
Estimated released energy: 1.1 x 10^10 joules (3.12 megawatt hours, equivalent to 2.68 tons of TNT)